

1999年於加拿大卑詩大學畢業,主修亞州研究,副修戲劇。 返港後加入演藝行業,現在是自由身演藝者。

宇詩亦有參與舞台劇的演出,曾參演過的包括演戲家族的《遇上1941的女孩》(2000),《香江花月夜》(2005),《窺心事》(2007),《家庭保衛隊》(2008),《仙樂飄飄處處聞》(2009-2012),《中女解毒》(2011),《音樂劇大家樂》(2011-2012),《中女解毒II之戀戰中男海》(2012, 2013),《山水有相逢》(2013),女人節男人事 2021 中的獨腳戲《乳房使用計劃》(2021)。


2012 年時在網上開始自家內衣品牌,而今年五月在中環PMQ元創方開了第一家實體店,2017在銅鑼灣百德新街樓上舖開了第二間實體店。品牌經營至今。

Graduated from the University of British Columbia, Ursule UC majored in Asian Studies and minored in Theatre.

She is an active freelance emcee and continues to pursue her acting passion on stage as well.

Besides her acting career, she is also a Brand Owned Influencer.

In 2012, UC successfully started her own lingerie brand online and her first retail store in May 2014 at PMQ Central and 2nd store at Paterson Street in 2017.
